Blog Intro

Has it ever happened to you that you drove for an hour or two from home to work or between two any other two points – and then did not remember much of what you saw ? Large part of our daily lives are like that . Many of us go through most of our lives like this. I'm telling you it's normal and it's up to us on how we handle every situation. We can live life the way we want. We can make it so touching, so serious -but it can also be so funny , exciting and full of joy ! In this page , I have decided to post variety of any sort like : short inspiring stories I've read from different authors for the purpose of making you pause ,that you may peceive , touch your human sensitivity and understanding , to let you feel enriched ,be encouraged and be inspired to begin perceiving stories of your own life. Earlier posts included jokes/funny short stories to bring back the smile in your face - to simply take you out of depression and be entertained ! You can also view some tips of LOVE . ,a part of MY LIFE ( with interesting pics and slideshows ) Family and friends A lot more are featured and to be featured ... PLEASE ENJOY READING MY PAGE

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Kitza kitza..."

A college professor's going to bed with his wife. He's not that tired, so he's gonna stay awake and read while she goes to sleep. So he's reading, and every once in a while he reaches over and tickles her on the fun spot... "Kitza kitza..."
She says, "Will you stop that! Will you stop reaching over here and easing me like that?" He says, "I'm not teasing you. I'm wetting my fingers so I can turn the

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