Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'm in Pain
hayyyyyyyyyyyyy...I can't draw a picture of how sad I am right now. I got the news last night after calling my older cousin in Switzerland. Ate Erma told me the bad news she got from Argao when she called just before we talked.
A close friend of my younger bro who also became a family friend passed away a day after All souls day. That was a very tragic death. The memories he had with us are still fresh in my mind and in my heart. He has marked the good sides of him to us, his friends. He may not be that perfect and good person but he doesn't deserve to be murdered that way. I just couldn't imagine how he struggled from those seven gunmen who killed him. I've heard from rumors that he tried to escape and attempted for survival from them. I really felt sad and couldn't sleep thinking that he's gone forever. I felt dissappointed that he died at an early age and that he was not given the chance to create a family of his own and change for good.
Hayyyyyyyyyyyyy...He was still in the house to visit last thursday ( OCtober 30 ). We still were laughing because of his humors for he was exceptionally funny. I couldn't believe seeing his shirts and jeans are still in the house until now. We folded his white LEE shirt yesterday. His stuffs are still there put inside a medium sized paper bag.
How I wish to go home and see him for the last time but I can't afford to see him dead with plenty of gunshots. I'm also afraid to go home because our place is so " KULBA" ...
Thanks for the fun . Even for the short time we spent together, u've shown that u'r capable of loving and be loved.
I will never forget that u and my brother cooked the food we had last October 20.
Lord , Please let him join you in your palace . please.
A close friend of my younger bro who also became a family friend passed away a day after All souls day. That was a very tragic death. The memories he had with us are still fresh in my mind and in my heart. He has marked the good sides of him to us, his friends. He may not be that perfect and good person but he doesn't deserve to be murdered that way. I just couldn't imagine how he struggled from those seven gunmen who killed him. I've heard from rumors that he tried to escape and attempted for survival from them. I really felt sad and couldn't sleep thinking that he's gone forever. I felt dissappointed that he died at an early age and that he was not given the chance to create a family of his own and change for good.
Hayyyyyyyyyyyyy...He was still in the house to visit last thursday ( OCtober 30 ). We still were laughing because of his humors for he was exceptionally funny. I couldn't believe seeing his shirts and jeans are still in the house until now. We folded his white LEE shirt yesterday. His stuffs are still there put inside a medium sized paper bag.
How I wish to go home and see him for the last time but I can't afford to see him dead with plenty of gunshots. I'm also afraid to go home because our place is so " KULBA" ...
Thanks for the fun . Even for the short time we spent together, u've shown that u'r capable of loving and be loved.
I will never forget that u and my brother cooked the food we had last October 20.
Lord , Please let him join you in your palace . please.
Monday, October 20, 2008
H a p p y B i r t h d a y dashi and mark

thanks to ol who came last saturday sa balay ... I really enjoyed your company. I wanna thank ol the sponsors especilly the Live Band headed by Jeane Climaco - also known as KABANG !
Thanks sa mini cakes palang ...
Happy mehhhhh- first time in my life that rosevil spent until 5 am - nagkantahan kkaravan weeeeeeeeeeeeee sa mango
One of the happiest ! UNFORGETTABLE AU ni nga birthday celebration ...That was our 25th bday ...
Love ol of yah ,
Mark and Dashi
Monday, October 13, 2008
H a p p y B i r t h d a y ! ! !
HAPPY birthday to me ! ! ! Thanks to my dear husband, he was the first person who greeted me on my special day . He was about to report for work at 2 am of October
13 when he woke me up to remind me of my birthday. I was left in the room with my baby fergus and we woke up late just an hour before Mark went home from work . That was great!, I slept for more than 8 hours.
Thanks to all who have remembered my birthday . . . love ol of yah !
In the house were my younger bro...( thanks sa fud ) , ate pai , tdc , mark , dodem - we did have a healthy dinner together .
On Saturday , we are planning to have a "get togther mini party" amongst friends and cousins that would be held in the house to celebrate my birthday and Mark's birthday . Hope u guys have time to come for a simple but memorable dinner.
Kita Kits ta ha ...
13 when he woke me up to remind me of my birthday. I was left in the room with my baby fergus and we woke up late just an hour before Mark went home from work . That was great!, I slept for more than 8 hours.
Thanks to all who have remembered my birthday . . . love ol of yah !
In the house were my younger bro...( thanks sa fud ) , ate pai , tdc , mark , dodem - we did have a healthy dinner together .
On Saturday , we are planning to have a "get togther mini party" amongst friends and cousins that would be held in the house to celebrate my birthday and Mark's birthday . Hope u guys have time to come for a simple but memorable dinner.
Kita Kits ta ha ...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Specially featured for a cousin in PAIN ...
We all go through breakups. I certainly have gone once - so I know it hurts like hell. They can be rough, and sometimes amicable; no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. Breakups are handled differently by different people. The best thing to do is move on... Prolonging the hope that your man will be back in time is going to make you miserable. When a relationnship is over you have to accept the fact that this was not the right person for you . Yes, it hurts and you will be feeling down and miserable for a while but there's no one who can help you get out of such mess but you. The following steps may help you get over after being dumped . These ideas are mainly taken from WIKIHOW . I personally made the text simpler for easy and clear understanding for viewers .
1. Examine what happened, and ask youself why. If you believe that you have caused and contributed for the demise of the relationship , have yourself reflect to avoid having it done in your future relationship.
2. Don't rethink your decision. If the breakup was your decision, bear in mind that thinking about all the good times you had may cause you to forget the reason for why you broke it off. By the same token, try not to second guess if the decision to end things was not yours. It's very common to overly romanticize the good parts of a relationship, convincing yourself that maybe the bad parts weren't so bad after all, maybe you could live with them. Or that maybe if your ex could know just how you feel, s/he wouldn't want to break up after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation and move on.
3. Keep your distance. Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, take a complete break from each other immediately after the breakup. That means no seeing each other, no phone calls, no e-mails, no Instant Messaging, and most importantly, no sex - not necessarily as a permanent measure (except where sex is concerned), but until you feel that you can converse with him/her like a normal person, without an ulterior motive (and yes, wanting to get back together counts as an ulterior motive). Also, if he or she tries to ask you to see him/her, make sure you question yourself of what good can come out of it. You don't want to relive the past by seeing him/her otherwise you'll get caught up by that moment and it will be hard to let go again.
4. Accept your pain. Have your good long cries if you feel like it. It's okay to be hurt, feel alone, and feel like you have messed up. Accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy, but you must also accept that you are a good person, and this is not all one-sided. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to begin to move on.
5. Think through everything thoroughly, but not obsessively. Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. Even if it seems there wasn't a good reason, there certainly was one - and probably more than one. Understand that you enjoyed one another for a while, but even though everything seemed okay to you, if the relationship was not what your partner wanted for life, it would have ended eventually, no matter what. In this case, better sooner than later.
6. Deal with the hate phase. This is where you want to just scream because you are so angry, even furious. The amount of anger you feel all depends on how bad the split was, how it occurred (was there infidelity? That makes it worse), and how long it took to make the final break. There may be feelings of resentment at your ex for wasting your time. You may realize the breakup was inevitable (hindsight will reveal clues you failed to notice at the time). You may even feel like you hate yourself, but let go of that feeling fast! It's a waste of time to be hating and ripping yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change.
7. Talk to your friends. They are always a source of advice and help. If you are close with any family members, they may be a good source of advice/guidance. You want people around you that love you and who will help you see that you should love yourself too. Surrounding yourself with compassionate, loving friends and family will help you see yourself as a worthwhile, worthy person again, and you'll find it easier to get steady on your feet again with your loved ones around you in a comforting net.
8. Write all your feelings down. Write in a journal or write poems. Most of all, be absolutely honest and don't edit yourself as you go. One of the best results of writing it all down is that sometimes you will be amazed by a sudden insight that comes to you as you are pouring out your thoughts onto paper. Patterns may become clearer, and as your grieving begins to lessen, you will find it so much easier to "get" valuable life lessons from the whole experience if you've been writing your way through it. No relationship is ever a failure if you manage to learn something about yourself from having gone through it all with your heart open to both joy and pain. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't a necessary part of your journey to becoming who you're meant to be. Allow at least the learning part to enrich your life.
9. Clean up! A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with these tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain.
10 . Keep fond memories, discard painful ones. Sometimes there are things that remind us of another person. Say, you hear a song or see a picture that reminds you of your ex, you probably get all sad and worked up. Well, instead of feeling that way, turn the station and move on - don't dwell on the pain. But if you have a keepsake, such as a watch or a pin that was given to you by your ex, and it makes you feel good to wear it and remember the good parts of your relationship, by all means, do so.
11. Find happiness in other areas of your life. Whether that means spending time with your friends and family, taking up that class you've always wanted to take, or reading every book on the New York Times bestseller list, remind yourself that a relationship is one part of life, but even when you are in one, there are personal pleasures that you can always enjoy on your own. Indulge in those things now. As they say, the best revenge is living well.
12. Stay active. It's scientifically confirmed that exercise improves your mood, and the distraction will help keep your mind off the situation. Go running outside, maybe with a friend, and think of releasing the anger or sadness with every step.
13.Let go. See that there is no sense in still being heartbroken, regretful, and harboring hatred toward that person. Realize that although your relationship with that person was unique and special in a lot of ways, you can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time.
14. Take Time. Find a place where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and which is far away from your ex. Take a moment to listen, and to be alone or with someone you trust. Remind yourself that the only thing worse than the pain of a breakup is continuing a relationship that was not right for one or both of you.
15. Think positively. Now that you are single, you get to find someone else to go out with,find someone new, and different. This doesnt have to be so bad. Change your behaviors; that will help change your thinking. Of course, don't forget about respecting other peoples' thoughts and feelings while feeling released and free, and always remember to be true to yourself.
Jeanne... ROCK N ROLL !

I know you'll get through with these one day. Just hang on and be strong for time heals every wound at the right time. By then , u'll just be laughing at yourself for all the things u've done fighting for love. Don't take all these as failure but a learning experience. Life must go on and good luck for the next stage of your life with the lucky one . Don't feel like you lose the most valuable being in this word... feel like he just lost the chance to be married to a great woman instead !
1. Examine what happened, and ask youself why. If you believe that you have caused and contributed for the demise of the relationship , have yourself reflect to avoid having it done in your future relationship.
2. Don't rethink your decision. If the breakup was your decision, bear in mind that thinking about all the good times you had may cause you to forget the reason for why you broke it off. By the same token, try not to second guess if the decision to end things was not yours. It's very common to overly romanticize the good parts of a relationship, convincing yourself that maybe the bad parts weren't so bad after all, maybe you could live with them. Or that maybe if your ex could know just how you feel, s/he wouldn't want to break up after all. Don't play this game with yourself. Accept the situation and move on.
3. Keep your distance. Even if you and your ex have decided to stay friends, take a complete break from each other immediately after the breakup. That means no seeing each other, no phone calls, no e-mails, no Instant Messaging, and most importantly, no sex - not necessarily as a permanent measure (except where sex is concerned), but until you feel that you can converse with him/her like a normal person, without an ulterior motive (and yes, wanting to get back together counts as an ulterior motive). Also, if he or she tries to ask you to see him/her, make sure you question yourself of what good can come out of it. You don't want to relive the past by seeing him/her otherwise you'll get caught up by that moment and it will be hard to let go again.
4. Accept your pain. Have your good long cries if you feel like it. It's okay to be hurt, feel alone, and feel like you have messed up. Accepting responsibility for your mistakes or shortcomings is healthy, but you must also accept that you are a good person, and this is not all one-sided. Of course, a stage of denial is completely natural, but acceptance is the key to being able to begin to move on.
5. Think through everything thoroughly, but not obsessively. Go ahead and mull it over, as many times as necessary, within reason. Consider all the reasons you two broke up. Even if it seems there wasn't a good reason, there certainly was one - and probably more than one. Understand that you enjoyed one another for a while, but even though everything seemed okay to you, if the relationship was not what your partner wanted for life, it would have ended eventually, no matter what. In this case, better sooner than later.
6. Deal with the hate phase. This is where you want to just scream because you are so angry, even furious. The amount of anger you feel all depends on how bad the split was, how it occurred (was there infidelity? That makes it worse), and how long it took to make the final break. There may be feelings of resentment at your ex for wasting your time. You may realize the breakup was inevitable (hindsight will reveal clues you failed to notice at the time). You may even feel like you hate yourself, but let go of that feeling fast! It's a waste of time to be hating and ripping yourself apart over something you no longer have the power to change.
7. Talk to your friends. They are always a source of advice and help. If you are close with any family members, they may be a good source of advice/guidance. You want people around you that love you and who will help you see that you should love yourself too. Surrounding yourself with compassionate, loving friends and family will help you see yourself as a worthwhile, worthy person again, and you'll find it easier to get steady on your feet again with your loved ones around you in a comforting net.
8. Write all your feelings down. Write in a journal or write poems. Most of all, be absolutely honest and don't edit yourself as you go. One of the best results of writing it all down is that sometimes you will be amazed by a sudden insight that comes to you as you are pouring out your thoughts onto paper. Patterns may become clearer, and as your grieving begins to lessen, you will find it so much easier to "get" valuable life lessons from the whole experience if you've been writing your way through it. No relationship is ever a failure if you manage to learn something about yourself from having gone through it all with your heart open to both joy and pain. Just because it didn't work out doesn't mean it wasn't a necessary part of your journey to becoming who you're meant to be. Allow at least the learning part to enrich your life.
9. Clean up! A breakup can signify a new beginning. Therefore, cleaning your personal space will leave you feeling refreshed and prepared for the new things to come. A mess can be overwhelming and depressing, and will just add to your stress level. The added bonus is that keeping busy with tidying your space doesn't require a lot of brain power, but does require just enough focus to keep you from recycling pain. Occupying yourself with these tasks designed to make your life better and easier will also occupy your mind enough to help you through the residual pain.
10 . Keep fond memories, discard painful ones. Sometimes there are things that remind us of another person. Say, you hear a song or see a picture that reminds you of your ex, you probably get all sad and worked up. Well, instead of feeling that way, turn the station and move on - don't dwell on the pain. But if you have a keepsake, such as a watch or a pin that was given to you by your ex, and it makes you feel good to wear it and remember the good parts of your relationship, by all means, do so.
11. Find happiness in other areas of your life. Whether that means spending time with your friends and family, taking up that class you've always wanted to take, or reading every book on the New York Times bestseller list, remind yourself that a relationship is one part of life, but even when you are in one, there are personal pleasures that you can always enjoy on your own. Indulge in those things now. As they say, the best revenge is living well.
12. Stay active. It's scientifically confirmed that exercise improves your mood, and the distraction will help keep your mind off the situation. Go running outside, maybe with a friend, and think of releasing the anger or sadness with every step.
13.Let go. See that there is no sense in still being heartbroken, regretful, and harboring hatred toward that person. Realize that although your relationship with that person was unique and special in a lot of ways, you can congratulate yourself for being brave enough to take a risk and fall in love, and encourage your heart that even though love didn't work out this time, there will be a next time.
14. Take Time. Find a place where you feel comfortable, relaxed, and which is far away from your ex. Take a moment to listen, and to be alone or with someone you trust. Remind yourself that the only thing worse than the pain of a breakup is continuing a relationship that was not right for one or both of you.
15. Think positively. Now that you are single, you get to find someone else to go out with,find someone new, and different. This doesnt have to be so bad. Change your behaviors; that will help change your thinking. Of course, don't forget about respecting other peoples' thoughts and feelings while feeling released and free, and always remember to be true to yourself.
Jeanne... ROCK N ROLL !

I know you'll get through with these one day. Just hang on and be strong for time heals every wound at the right time. By then , u'll just be laughing at yourself for all the things u've done fighting for love. Don't take all these as failure but a learning experience. Life must go on and good luck for the next stage of your life with the lucky one . Don't feel like you lose the most valuable being in this word... feel like he just lost the chance to be married to a great woman instead !
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
with my pamangkin
Nova ...
she's my niece from Cagayan who I believe to have found a greener pasture here in Cebu than work there in Cagayan. She is working in one of the known and prestigious call centers in cebu , Convergys.
Her granfather happens to be one of my Mom's older brother. His father is a first degree cousin of mine. But see !- we're just alsmost of the same age and we also took the same major in the University.
We first met in Argao when my Grandfather " Felix Fernandez " died - May of this year .
I found not a single reason to dislike her for she's so kind, approachable and knows how to deal with us.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Please take time to read this, most especially the bottom part, PATRICIA EVANGELISTA's (19 year old Filipina) speech that won in a WORLD competition in London.
This is a hate letter coming from a radio talk show host Mr. Art Bell from Nevada. I dont consider myself as patriotic but please read my reply below in BOLD LETTERS and send this to as many of your friends as possible until it reaches him.
This is a very disturbing open E-mail letter to all Filipinos around the world; specially here in North America!, from a man who has the power to reach millions of people. (he's a radio talk host)
Please read on..............
This is an open letter email by Art Bell, a radio talk show host in Nevada(more info in the email itself). Here is yet another person who has taken; advantage of his power and privilege to use hateful words and racial stereotypes that breed further ignorance and intolerance in our society.
Art Bell is a talk radio host who has two shows that he broadcasts from his home in Nevada, that is rebroadcast by 400 stations across the country.
He's written 2 books. He lived in Okinawa, Japan for some years and had a radio program on the English station here. And, though it's hard to believe after reading the following letter from him, he actually has been to the Philippines (he's traveled fairly extensively around the world).
Check out his website listed at the end to get a glimpse at this fool who's spreading this hateful ignorance. And check his wife as well. This letter is so degrading, I think it's really important that everybody read this and not attack him, but respond to him in a civilized manner because otherwise his thoughts will be reaffirmed. Understand that not everyone has a viewpoint like we do, and that this is an opinion of someone who hopefully can be changed only by civil actions.
Filipinos.....*make me puke* (Art Bell)
As we've all come to notice, in the past few decades, Filipinos have begun to infest the United States like some sort of disease. Their extensive involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces is proof of the trashy kind of qualities all filipinos tend to exhibit on a regular basis. You can see this clearly by studying the attitudes and cultural Icons of most Filipino Americans.
Origins of Pinoys/Pinays:
Are they really asian? Well we've come to accept the fact the filipinos come from a part of the world known as South East Asia. But the term "Asia" is used in the wrong way. You may notice that contemporary Filipino Americans try very hard to associate themselves with groups that we know as Asian. I cannot count the number of times I have seen a 'Third World' Filipino try to connect themselves to the chinese or Japanese people. There is no connection and here's why. The Philippines is a Third World country. Nothing respectable has EVER been created by Filipino people during our entire human history. Young filipino men in America have become obsessed with "import racing". They have an enormously perverted affection for Japanese cars. It's a common phenomenon. In their minds, these Filipinos somehow believe that they are asian and that it somehow connects them to Japanese people and japanese cars. They often take credit for the ingenuity of Japanese people and say how it's an "Asian thing". This term..."Asian thing" derived directly from African American slang "black thang". "It's a black thang." "It's an asian thang."
You can see the connection. It's even funnier that, in Japan, Filipinos are heavily discriminated against. The only filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the filipino prostitutes. But that's the case for most Filipino people no matter where they live in the world. Now we've come down to this fact...and it is a fact.
Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian.
They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in ANY way, asian. Thinking of the great countries in Asia such as Japan, Korea, and China there is no way you can possibly connect the Philippine Islands. This assault by filipino americans to connect themselves with the great peoples of North East Asia is foul and disgusting. Try visiting a young filipino's web site too.
You'll see something called the "Asian IRC Ring". It has to do with the chatrooms. The most horrible thing about this is that these TRASHY people are trying to associate themselves with Asia again!! People in Asia don't act like this at all. What we are seeing here is the natural Filipino in its element with full access to technology and this is how they act! You will consistently see this behavior over and over again.
Another interesting thing is that these "thirdworld" people also frequent RC chatrooms such as #chinese #japan and #asian. They must believe that they are somehow related racially or culturally to North Asians. But it's completely WRONG! There might have been some distant contact With China and even less with Japan during World War II, but these people are actually more closely related to african americans and Mexican americans.
Do the parents of these young filipinos know what's going on? Would they accept this? I believe that they would and do. This is the natural "Trash" element in filipinos manifesting itself. Nothing good has ever come from Philippines and I don't believe anything good ever will.
Recognizing your Roots (A Message to Filipinos). To all filipino people:
Please recognize your ROOTS! You come from the Third World! You country is a disgusting and filthy place. Most people there live in poverty! Your culture has MUCH MORE SPANISH influence than chinese, and absolutely no JAPANESE influence whatsoever. People in Japan and China, do not act like you. They do not constantly talk about sex and they have a MUCH HIGHER level of RESPECT for each other. There is NO WAY that you can connect yourself to Asia other than location.
Your culture and technological advancement does not even come CLOSE to What Chinese, people have done in the past and what Japanese and Korean people are doing now! Everything you do is distinctly filipino. You cannot take credit for Japanese cars, video games, or Hentai! It's not an "asian thing" it's an "American thing". You have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy! Can you demonstrate how you use Confucianism or Taoism in you everyday life?? You can't. And you will NEVER be able to.
I understand that you are trying to create an identity for yourselves as young people... but it is NOT related to Asia. Your Identity is Filipino.
That's all you are. Just Filipino. Think about what that means....
I find this funny, he is right in some ways where we, as Filipinos don't actually have an "Identity". I think this is due to the confusion of our mixed races from Hispanic, Chinese, American and Malay origins. I see it in malls, imagine young generations wearing ski caps and ski goggles in a tropical country, baggy low rise pants like that of African Americans living in the Bronx of New York, not to mention endless whitening products being sold at department stores and drug stores.
But his ignorance also blinds him from the other truth. That while we may glorify Anime shows and Japanese Internet gaming, he is not aware that a nameless Filipino may be responsible for some technical aspects of some Japanese software. He is not aware of our contribution to the the society in general .Technological advancements that may have aided post war navigations and landing on the moon. That the antibiotic Erythromycin was discovered by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar from Iloilo creating the brand "Ilosone".
Thomas Edison may have discovered the electric light bulb and the fluorescent lighting was thought up by Nikola Tesla. But the fluorescent lamp we use today was invented by Agapito Flores (a Cebuano named Benigno Flores of Bantayan Island, according to the Philippine Daily inquirer), a Filipino scientist. Americans helped then-Philippine leader Ramon Magsaysay to develop it for worldwide commerce. That the personal physician of former U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton is Eleanor "Connie" Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy. A Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, includind Latin, Greek, German, French and Chinese.
Or that a Filipino genius was responsible for the near hiatus in the PENTAGON and White House nearly infiltrationg their closely guarded secrets with the "ILOVEYOU" bug. Nuisance maybe, but still one heck of a 'beautiful mind'...not to be underestimated.
The list goes on and on, but who cares right? Certainly not Mr. Art Bell...Boy, I'm not surprised.
Perhaps Art Bell does not know that although we consider ourselves ASIAN because we are strategically located in the Southeast asian region of which our nearest neighbors are Malays, ASIA does not mean only Chinese and Japanese race of people. Then maybe it is his connotation that "Asia" meant only our economically successful, paler brothers and he considers Malays such as Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians, and ourselves as a "Third World" race. Then it is "his" ignonimity that would make a civilized person of whatever race puke. Imagine literally connecting Chinese, Koreans and Japanese to the Philippine Islands which is archipelagos away from the countries he has mentioned. I also wonder where he got the impression that we aspire to be Japanese( ???) Hispanics maybe but not the Japanese. But even Hispanics today do not mind sharing their "surnames" to their Asian brothers who they have colonized for 3 centuries.
Another sad reality that although most Filipinos working overseas are domestic helpers and prostitutes, who does he think educates the toddlers of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo? Parents of these countries rarely have time spent with their children, leaving them to their Filipino nannies. And with regard to prostitution. Filipinos are not the only ones working as one. I HARDLY SEE FILIPINOS STARRING IN PORN MOVIES. THERE MIGHT BE A FEW FILIPINOS WE HAVEN'T SEEN , BUT MOST ARE FROM MR. ART BELL'S RACE.
He also mentioned that we have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy. How can we demonstrate Confucianism or Taoism in a Christian nation? IS HE INFORMED THAT THE PHILIPPINES IS THE ONLY PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC NATION IN ASIA?! YOU HAVE TO USE COMMON SENSE IN A LOT OF THINGS SOMETIMES...
We do not need to create an identity for ourselves. We are who we are. Our identity stems from the anonymity we live in this world. How we contribute silently towards the progress of the world and not just one country. Although the Filipino blood may be tainted with malice, corruption, poverty and prostitution, it is not a perfect race... But so are the others. Maybe Mr. Art Bell needs to think about this.
Pinay wins it big in London
By Alfred Yuson
The Philippine Star 05/16/2004
Patricia Evangelista, a 19-year- old, Mass Communications sophomore of University of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman, did the country proud Friday night by besting 59 other student contestants from 37 countries in the 2004 International Public Speaking competition conducted by the English Speaking Union (ESU) in London.
She triumphed over a field of exactly 60 speakers from all over the English-speaking world, including the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, reported Maranan.
The board of judges' decision was unanimous, according to contest chairman Brian Hanharan of the British broadcasting Corp. (BBC).
When I was little, I wanted what many Filipino children all over the country wanted. I wanted to be blond, blue-eyed, and white.
I thought -- if I just wished hard enough and was good enough, I'd wake upon Christmas morning with snow outside my window and freckles across my nose!
More than four centuries under western domination does that to you. I have sixteen cousins. In a couple of years, there will just be five of us left in the Philippines, the rest will have gone abroad in search of "greener pastures." It's not just an anomaly; it's a trend; the Filipino diaspora. Today, about eight million Filipinos are scattered around the world.
There are those who disapprove of Filipinos who choose to leave. I used to. Maybe this is a natural reaction of someone who was left behind, smiling for family pictures that get emptier with each succeeding year. Desertion, I called it. My country is a land that has perpetually fought for the freedom to be itself. Our heroes offered their lives in the struggle against the Spanish, the Japanese, the Americans. To pack up and deny that identity is tantamount to spitting on that sacrifice.
Or is it? I don't think so, not anymore. True, there is no denying this phenomenon, aided by the fact that what was once the other side of the world is now a twelve-hour plane ride away. But this is a borderless world, where no individual can claim to be purely from where he is now. My mother is of Chinese descent, my father is a quarter Spanish, and I call myself a pure Filipino-a hybrid of sorts resulting from a combination of cultures.
Each square mile anywhere in the world is made up of people of different ethnicities, with national identities and individual personalities. because of this, each square mile is already a microcosm of the world. In as much as this blessed spot that is England is the world, so is my neighborhood back home.
Seen this way, the Filipino Diaspora, or any sort of dispersal of populations, is not as ominous as so many claim. It must be understood. I come from a Third World country, one that is still trying mightily to get back on its feet after many years of dictatorship. But we shall make it, given more time. Especially now, when we have thousands of eager young minds who graduate from college every year. They have skills. They need jobs. We cannot absorb them all.
A borderless world presents a bigger opportunity, yet one that is not so much abandonment but an extension of identity . Even as we take, we give back. We are the 40,000 skilled nurses who support the UK's National Health Service. We are the quarter-of-a-million seafarers manning most of the world's commercial ships. We are your software engineers in Ireland, your construction workers in the Middle East, your doctors and caregivers in North America, and, your musical artists in London's West End.
Nationalism isn't bound by time or place. People from other nations migrate to create new nations, yet still remain essentially who they are. British society is itself an example of a multi-cultural nation, a melting pot of races, religions, arts and cultures. We are, indeed, in a borderless world!
Leaving sometimes isn't a matter of choice. It's coming back that is. The Hobbits of the shire travelled all over Middle-Earth, but they chose to come home, richer in every sense of the word. We call people like these balikbayans or the 'returnees' -- those who followed their dream, yet choose to return and share their mature talents and good fortune.
In a few years, I may take advantage of whatever opportunities come my way. But I will come home. A borderless world doesn't preclude the idea of a home. I'm a Filipino, and I'll always be one. It isn't about just geography; it isn't about boundaries. It's about giving back to the country that shaped me.
And that's going to be more important to me than seeing snow outside my windows on a bright Christmas morning.
Mabuhay and Thank you.
So, be proud, you are a Filipino,...and not like Mr. Art Bell. Please do send this to as many person as you can until it reaches him.
This is a hate letter coming from a radio talk show host Mr. Art Bell from Nevada. I dont consider myself as patriotic but please read my reply below in BOLD LETTERS and send this to as many of your friends as possible until it reaches him.
This is a very disturbing open E-mail letter to all Filipinos around the world; specially here in North America!, from a man who has the power to reach millions of people. (he's a radio talk host)
Please read on..............
This is an open letter email by Art Bell, a radio talk show host in Nevada(more info in the email itself). Here is yet another person who has taken; advantage of his power and privilege to use hateful words and racial stereotypes that breed further ignorance and intolerance in our society.
Art Bell is a talk radio host who has two shows that he broadcasts from his home in Nevada, that is rebroadcast by 400 stations across the country.
He's written 2 books. He lived in Okinawa, Japan for some years and had a radio program on the English station here. And, though it's hard to believe after reading the following letter from him, he actually has been to the Philippines (he's traveled fairly extensively around the world).
Check out his website listed at the end to get a glimpse at this fool who's spreading this hateful ignorance. And check his wife as well. This letter is so degrading, I think it's really important that everybody read this and not attack him, but respond to him in a civilized manner because otherwise his thoughts will be reaffirmed. Understand that not everyone has a viewpoint like we do, and that this is an opinion of someone who hopefully can be changed only by civil actions.
Filipinos.....*make me puke* (Art Bell)
As we've all come to notice, in the past few decades, Filipinos have begun to infest the United States like some sort of disease. Their extensive involvement in the U.S. Armed Forces is proof of the trashy kind of qualities all filipinos tend to exhibit on a regular basis. You can see this clearly by studying the attitudes and cultural Icons of most Filipino Americans.
Origins of Pinoys/Pinays:
Are they really asian? Well we've come to accept the fact the filipinos come from a part of the world known as South East Asia. But the term "Asia" is used in the wrong way. You may notice that contemporary Filipino Americans try very hard to associate themselves with groups that we know as Asian. I cannot count the number of times I have seen a 'Third World' Filipino try to connect themselves to the chinese or Japanese people. There is no connection and here's why. The Philippines is a Third World country. Nothing respectable has EVER been created by Filipino people during our entire human history. Young filipino men in America have become obsessed with "import racing". They have an enormously perverted affection for Japanese cars. It's a common phenomenon. In their minds, these Filipinos somehow believe that they are asian and that it somehow connects them to Japanese people and japanese cars. They often take credit for the ingenuity of Japanese people and say how it's an "Asian thing". This term..."Asian thing" derived directly from African American slang "black thang". "It's a black thang." "It's an asian thang."
You can see the connection. It's even funnier that, in Japan, Filipinos are heavily discriminated against. The only filipinos that can live successfully in Japan are the filipino prostitutes. But that's the case for most Filipino people no matter where they live in the world. Now we've come down to this fact...and it is a fact.
Nothing in Filipino Culture can be seen as Asian.
They have no architectural, artistic, or cultural influence which is in ANY way, asian. Thinking of the great countries in Asia such as Japan, Korea, and China there is no way you can possibly connect the Philippine Islands. This assault by filipino americans to connect themselves with the great peoples of North East Asia is foul and disgusting. Try visiting a young filipino's web site too.
You'll see something called the "Asian IRC Ring". It has to do with the chatrooms. The most horrible thing about this is that these TRASHY people are trying to associate themselves with Asia again!! People in Asia don't act like this at all. What we are seeing here is the natural Filipino in its element with full access to technology and this is how they act! You will consistently see this behavior over and over again.
Another interesting thing is that these "thirdworld" people also frequent RC chatrooms such as #chinese #japan and #asian. They must believe that they are somehow related racially or culturally to North Asians. But it's completely WRONG! There might have been some distant contact With China and even less with Japan during World War II, but these people are actually more closely related to african americans and Mexican americans.
Do the parents of these young filipinos know what's going on? Would they accept this? I believe that they would and do. This is the natural "Trash" element in filipinos manifesting itself. Nothing good has ever come from Philippines and I don't believe anything good ever will.
Recognizing your Roots (A Message to Filipinos). To all filipino people:
Please recognize your ROOTS! You come from the Third World! You country is a disgusting and filthy place. Most people there live in poverty! Your culture has MUCH MORE SPANISH influence than chinese, and absolutely no JAPANESE influence whatsoever. People in Japan and China, do not act like you. They do not constantly talk about sex and they have a MUCH HIGHER level of RESPECT for each other. There is NO WAY that you can connect yourself to Asia other than location.
Your culture and technological advancement does not even come CLOSE to What Chinese, people have done in the past and what Japanese and Korean people are doing now! Everything you do is distinctly filipino. You cannot take credit for Japanese cars, video games, or Hentai! It's not an "asian thing" it's an "American thing". You have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy! Can you demonstrate how you use Confucianism or Taoism in you everyday life?? You can't. And you will NEVER be able to.
I understand that you are trying to create an identity for yourselves as young people... but it is NOT related to Asia. Your Identity is Filipino.
That's all you are. Just Filipino. Think about what that means....
I find this funny, he is right in some ways where we, as Filipinos don't actually have an "Identity". I think this is due to the confusion of our mixed races from Hispanic, Chinese, American and Malay origins. I see it in malls, imagine young generations wearing ski caps and ski goggles in a tropical country, baggy low rise pants like that of African Americans living in the Bronx of New York, not to mention endless whitening products being sold at department stores and drug stores.
But his ignorance also blinds him from the other truth. That while we may glorify Anime shows and Japanese Internet gaming, he is not aware that a nameless Filipino may be responsible for some technical aspects of some Japanese software. He is not aware of our contribution to the the society in general .Technological advancements that may have aided post war navigations and landing on the moon. That the antibiotic Erythromycin was discovered by Dr. Abelardo Aguilar from Iloilo creating the brand "Ilosone".
Thomas Edison may have discovered the electric light bulb and the fluorescent lighting was thought up by Nikola Tesla. But the fluorescent lamp we use today was invented by Agapito Flores (a Cebuano named Benigno Flores of Bantayan Island, according to the Philippine Daily inquirer), a Filipino scientist. Americans helped then-Philippine leader Ramon Magsaysay to develop it for worldwide commerce. That the personal physician of former U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton is Eleanor "Connie" Concepcion Mariano, a Filipina doctor who was the youngest captain in the US Navy. A Filipino writer Jose Rizal could read and write at age 2, and grew up to speak more than 20 languages, includind Latin, Greek, German, French and Chinese.
Or that a Filipino genius was responsible for the near hiatus in the PENTAGON and White House nearly infiltrationg their closely guarded secrets with the "ILOVEYOU" bug. Nuisance maybe, but still one heck of a 'beautiful mind'...not to be underestimated.
The list goes on and on, but who cares right? Certainly not Mr. Art Bell...Boy, I'm not surprised.
Perhaps Art Bell does not know that although we consider ourselves ASIAN because we are strategically located in the Southeast asian region of which our nearest neighbors are Malays, ASIA does not mean only Chinese and Japanese race of people. Then maybe it is his connotation that "Asia" meant only our economically successful, paler brothers and he considers Malays such as Thais, Malaysians, Indonesians, and ourselves as a "Third World" race. Then it is "his" ignonimity that would make a civilized person of whatever race puke. Imagine literally connecting Chinese, Koreans and Japanese to the Philippine Islands which is archipelagos away from the countries he has mentioned. I also wonder where he got the impression that we aspire to be Japanese( ???) Hispanics maybe but not the Japanese. But even Hispanics today do not mind sharing their "surnames" to their Asian brothers who they have colonized for 3 centuries.
Another sad reality that although most Filipinos working overseas are domestic helpers and prostitutes, who does he think educates the toddlers of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo? Parents of these countries rarely have time spent with their children, leaving them to their Filipino nannies. And with regard to prostitution. Filipinos are not the only ones working as one. I HARDLY SEE FILIPINOS STARRING IN PORN MOVIES. THERE MIGHT BE A FEW FILIPINOS WE HAVEN'T SEEN , BUT MOST ARE FROM MR. ART BELL'S RACE.
He also mentioned that we have no concept of concept of asian ideas or asian philosophy. How can we demonstrate Confucianism or Taoism in a Christian nation? IS HE INFORMED THAT THE PHILIPPINES IS THE ONLY PREDOMINANTLY CHRISTIAN/CATHOLIC NATION IN ASIA?! YOU HAVE TO USE COMMON SENSE IN A LOT OF THINGS SOMETIMES...
We do not need to create an identity for ourselves. We are who we are. Our identity stems from the anonymity we live in this world. How we contribute silently towards the progress of the world and not just one country. Although the Filipino blood may be tainted with malice, corruption, poverty and prostitution, it is not a perfect race... But so are the others. Maybe Mr. Art Bell needs to think about this.
Pinay wins it big in London
By Alfred Yuson
The Philippine Star 05/16/2004
Patricia Evangelista, a 19-year- old, Mass Communications sophomore of University of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman, did the country proud Friday night by besting 59 other student contestants from 37 countries in the 2004 International Public Speaking competition conducted by the English Speaking Union (ESU) in London.
She triumphed over a field of exactly 60 speakers from all over the English-speaking world, including the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, reported Maranan.
The board of judges' decision was unanimous, according to contest chairman Brian Hanharan of the British broadcasting Corp. (BBC).
When I was little, I wanted what many Filipino children all over the country wanted. I wanted to be blond, blue-eyed, and white.
I thought -- if I just wished hard enough and was good enough, I'd wake upon Christmas morning with snow outside my window and freckles across my nose!
More than four centuries under western domination does that to you. I have sixteen cousins. In a couple of years, there will just be five of us left in the Philippines, the rest will have gone abroad in search of "greener pastures." It's not just an anomaly; it's a trend; the Filipino diaspora. Today, about eight million Filipinos are scattered around the world.
There are those who disapprove of Filipinos who choose to leave. I used to. Maybe this is a natural reaction of someone who was left behind, smiling for family pictures that get emptier with each succeeding year. Desertion, I called it. My country is a land that has perpetually fought for the freedom to be itself. Our heroes offered their lives in the struggle against the Spanish, the Japanese, the Americans. To pack up and deny that identity is tantamount to spitting on that sacrifice.
Or is it? I don't think so, not anymore. True, there is no denying this phenomenon, aided by the fact that what was once the other side of the world is now a twelve-hour plane ride away. But this is a borderless world, where no individual can claim to be purely from where he is now. My mother is of Chinese descent, my father is a quarter Spanish, and I call myself a pure Filipino-a hybrid of sorts resulting from a combination of cultures.
Each square mile anywhere in the world is made up of people of different ethnicities, with national identities and individual personalities. because of this, each square mile is already a microcosm of the world. In as much as this blessed spot that is England is the world, so is my neighborhood back home.
Seen this way, the Filipino Diaspora, or any sort of dispersal of populations, is not as ominous as so many claim. It must be understood. I come from a Third World country, one that is still trying mightily to get back on its feet after many years of dictatorship. But we shall make it, given more time. Especially now, when we have thousands of eager young minds who graduate from college every year. They have skills. They need jobs. We cannot absorb them all.
A borderless world presents a bigger opportunity, yet one that is not so much abandonment but an extension of identity . Even as we take, we give back. We are the 40,000 skilled nurses who support the UK's National Health Service. We are the quarter-of-a-million seafarers manning most of the world's commercial ships. We are your software engineers in Ireland, your construction workers in the Middle East, your doctors and caregivers in North America, and, your musical artists in London's West End.
Nationalism isn't bound by time or place. People from other nations migrate to create new nations, yet still remain essentially who they are. British society is itself an example of a multi-cultural nation, a melting pot of races, religions, arts and cultures. We are, indeed, in a borderless world!
Leaving sometimes isn't a matter of choice. It's coming back that is. The Hobbits of the shire travelled all over Middle-Earth, but they chose to come home, richer in every sense of the word. We call people like these balikbayans or the 'returnees' -- those who followed their dream, yet choose to return and share their mature talents and good fortune.
In a few years, I may take advantage of whatever opportunities come my way. But I will come home. A borderless world doesn't preclude the idea of a home. I'm a Filipino, and I'll always be one. It isn't about just geography; it isn't about boundaries. It's about giving back to the country that shaped me.
And that's going to be more important to me than seeing snow outside my windows on a bright Christmas morning.
Mabuhay and Thank you.
So, be proud, you are a Filipino,...and not like Mr. Art Bell. Please do send this to as many person as you can until it reaches him.

Once upon a time...
There lived a king. The King had a
beautiful daughter, the Princess.
But the kingdom was a sad place.
There was no laughter, and no joy.
The problem was, that
everything the Princess touched would melt.
No matter what, metal, wood...
anthing she touched would melt!!
Because of this, men were afraid of her.
Nobody would dare marry her.
The king despaired.
What could he do to help his
beautiful daughter?
He consulted his wizards and magicians.
One wizard told the king, "If your
daughter touches one thing that
does not melt in her hands, she
will be cured."
The King was overjoyed. The next
day, he held a competition. Any man
who could bring his daughter an
object that would not melt at her
touch, would marry her and inherit
the King's wealth.
Three young princes took up the challenge.
The first Prince brought a very hard
alloy of titanium.
When the Princess touched it, it
melted. The Prince went away sadly.
The second Prince brought a huge
diamond, thinking that diamond is
the hardest substance in the world
and will not melt.
But, alas, once the Princess touched
it, it melted. He too went away disappointed.
The third Prince approached. He
told the Princess, "Put your hand
in my pocket and feel what is in there."
The Princess did as she was told,
though she turned red.
She felt something hard. She held
it in her hand...and it did not melt!!
The King was overjoyed!
Everybody in the kingdom was overjoyed!
And the third Prince married the
Princess and the both lived
happily ever after.
The question is?!?!?!?
What WAS the object in the Prince's pocket???
They were M&M's, of course.
THEY melt in your MOUTH,
NOT in your HAND!!
(What were YOU thinking?)
Did this make you smile?
Then send this practical joke on to your friends!
See if they think the same thing as you did :-)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
"Kitza kitza..."

A college professor's going to bed with his wife. He's not that tired, so he's gonna stay awake and read while she goes to sleep. So he's reading, and every once in a while he reaches over and tickles her on the fun spot... "Kitza kitza..."
She says, "Will you stop that! Will you stop reaching over here and easing me like that?" He says, "I'm not teasing you. I'm wetting my fingers so I can turn the
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

thank you for calling (the company) my name is (your name), agent ID number(ID number) how may i help you?
2. eksperto ka na sa power nap, yung mga 15mins break nyo, itinutulog mo na lang para fresh pagkacalls uli, mya na yung 1 hour nap.
3. di mo na alam bumiyahe pag may araw, nalilito ka bakit andaming tao,at bakit di na dumadaan ang dyip dun sa mga kalsada na 1 way.
4. marami ka nang naiipong jacket... nakakahiya naman kung pare-pareho jacket mo araw-araw at super ginaw naman pag wala.
5. sanay kang maglakad-lakad ng nakamedyas.
6. di na dugo ang dumadaloy sayo... kape!
7. finefake mo na wag maging "slang" pag nagbabayad ka sa tindahan o kaya sa jeep para wag akalain na pasosyal ka... masama pa, mas panget pakinggan.
8. pumuputi ka na dahil di ka na naaarawan.
9. sanay ka nang matulog kahit maingay sa loob at labas ng bahay nyo.
10. kinalimutan ka na ng mga kaibigan mo dahil existing ka lang pag tulog na sila.
11. di ka na sanay sa traffic. papasok at pauwi sa trabaho walang traffic
12. dinner sa umaga, breakfast sa gabi, lunch sa madaling araw..
13. lahat ng kasabay mo sa jeep pag papasok ka, pagod na. ikaw lang ang bagong ligo at bagong gel.
14. hindi ka na kilala ng aso nyo
15. ayaw mo na mag-jeep. kailangan taxi or kaya aircon na bus.
16. pag payday... olats lahat sweldo ng mga kaklase mong board passer. (8k per month lang sila) isang kinsenas mo na yun..:P
17. pag day off mo na lang ikaw nakakapaanood ng noon time show!
18. hindi mo na kilala ang mga bagong artista.
19. hindi mo na alam itsura ng mall...
20. di ka na maebs sa bahay, sanay ka na sa cr ng 5th floor or ibang floor.
21. madalas kulang gamit mo sa bahay dahil nasa locker
22. ayaw mo nang pumasok sa internet cafe!
23. alam mo kung sino si Avaya
24. sanay ka nang pumasok ng bagong gising... kakabangon lang galing sleeping area.
25. papasok ka sa ofc na nka-jeans, tshirt and cap astig!
26. mas malaki sweldo mo sa mga ka-batch mo, nagkakanda-kuba na sila sa trabaho nila
27. nakita mo na lahat ng klase ng vendo machine

1. pag sasagot ka ng telepono, lagi na lang may opening spiel...example:*toot* ....
28. hindi ka na sanay umakyat ng hagdan
29. during office hours, hindi ka lalabas ng building ng walang dalang relo. baka ma-OB.
30. marunong ka na makipagsagutan at makipagbarahan ng english
31. sanay ka ng magyosi o umidlip pag alas dos at alas kwatro ng umaga
32. nang ho-hoard ka na din ng tissue sa bahay
33. naka id ka pa kahit nasa jeep
34. kaya mong tiisin na hindi palitan ang damit mo ng 16 hours
35. puro kalyo na ang wrist at daliri mo
36. sanay ka nang makipag-usap sa telepono sa bahay kahit malakas ang TV. sa office parang limang TV ang nakatapat sayo habang may kausap.
37. pumasok ka na ng puyat, lasing at gutom
38. may picture ka ng nakasuot ng headset
39. sanay ka nang matulog ng dilat ang mata. hindi pwede pahuli.
40. lahat ng style ng pagtulog maiisip mo.
41. lahat ng kaibigan mo may christmas vacation ikaw wala
42. lahat ng holiday pumapasok ka kasi double pay malaki ang bayad.
43. di mo maenjoy christmas party kasi kaylangan mo bumalik sa office dahil may pasok ka pa ng C shift.
44. Lahat ng kaibigan mo kinakahiya at minamaliit nila ang ginagawa mo... Pero pag dating sa araw ng sweldo nagpapalibre sayo.
45. Lahat ng nanglalait sayo na sa call center ka nag tratrabaho, ngayon nakikita mo sa lobby na nag-aapply
46. Sanay ka na mg beer sa kape sa gabi.
a sales call
" My wife told me to stand here! "
The Smiths were unable to conceive children...

The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use a surrogate
father to start their family. On the day the surrogate father was to
arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife and said, "I'm off. The man should be
here soon" Half an hour later, just by chance a door-to-door baby
photographer rang the doorbell, hoping to make a sale.
"Good morning, madam. I've come to...."
"Oh, no need to explain. I've been expecting you," Mrs. Smith cut in.
"Really?" the photographer asked. "Well, good. I've made a speciality of
"That's what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat"

After a moment, she asked, blushing, "Well, where do we start?"
"Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the
couch and perhaps a couple on the bed. Sometimes the living room floor is
fun too; you can really spread out!"
"Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work for Harry and me"
"Well, madam, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But, if we
try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven different
angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results"
"My, that's a lot of....." gasped Mrs. Smith.
"Madam, in my line of work, a man must take his time. I'd love to be in
and out in five minutes, but you'd be disappointed with that, I'm sure"
"Don't I know it," Mrs. Smith said quietly.
The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his
baby pictures.
"This was done on the top of a bus in downtown London"
"Oh my God!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed, tugging at her handkerchief.
"And these twins turned out exceptionally well, when you consider their
mother was so difficult to work with"
"She was difficult?" asked Mrs. Smith.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. I finally had to take her to Hyde Park to get the job
done right. People were crowding around four and five deep, pushing to get
a good look"
"Four and five deep?" asked Mrs. Smith, eyes widened in amazement.
"Yes," the photographer said, "And for more than three hours too. The
mother was constantly squealing and yelling. I could hardly concentrate.
Then darkness approached and I began to rush my shots. Finally, when the
squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just packed it all in."
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. "You mean squirrels actually chewed on your,"
"That's right. Well, madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so we
can get to work."
"Oh yes, I have to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big for
me to hold for very long. Madam? Madam? ....... Good Lord, she's
Wise thoughts on everything

1. Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
2. Life is sexually transmitted.
3. Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
4. Men have two emotions: Hungry and Horny. If you see him without an erection make him a sandwich.
5. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach a person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.
6. Some people are like Slinkies... not really good for anything, but you still can't
help but smile when you see one tumble down the stairs...
7. Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing...

8. Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
9. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
10. Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars and a substantial tax cut saves you thirty cents?
11. In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and
people take Prozac to make it normal.
12. Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.
13. You read about all these Terrorists most of them came here legally, but they hung
around on these expired visas, some for as long as 10-15 years. Now, compare that to
Blockbuster; you are two days late with a video and those people are all over you. I
think we should put Blockbuster in charge of Immigration & Homeland Security.
What Men Find Sexy in Women
Women, want to know what turns your guy on? Listen to these love advice because there are some things that you probably would not know about your guy! He is more sensitive than you think!
Surprise! Scroll down to find out what actually turns men on!
Nothing turns us more on than the gentle smell of roses on a feminine body. Maybe it’s due to our natural lack of nice body odor. But one thing’s for sure, the smell of a woman, as long as it’s not foul or overwhelming, sends electricity way down to our umm.. toes. Be it shampoo, conditioner, body foam, perfume or just the natural smell of your divine body is enough to turn us on.
This might sound hilarious (no pun intended) but slight guffaws erupting from the bottom of your tummy can actually turn men on. Maybe it is due to the fact that it shows you are comfortable with yourself, confident in how others view you, but one thing I can tell you, it’s extremely attractive to have a girl laugh ever so slightly, with her hand over a mouth, and after, a shy smile greeting you with a little coquettish touch. Not a hooker giggle though, please do not get me wrong, what we like is a sincere laugh not a fake one from King’s Cross in Sydney.
Tucking of hair behind the ear
It’s quite cliché but it’s true. You can find this in the movies all the time. A cute docile girl sits at the corner of the cafeteria, legs crossed. A guy she fancies turns to look at her and all she does is tuck her hair behind her ear. The guy walks over. It works, even in reality. Maybe it is something to do with revealing one of your erogenous zones, or maybe it has something to do with looking vulnerable, whatever it is, it sure does push the right buttons for us.
Gearing down
Now if you think laughter was weird, this one should sound even weirder then. But since it’s here in this article, it must be true. Trust me on this one. Dressing up or down in your home clothes is a real turn on. We like nothing better than to see our girl in a big T-shirt, it doesn’t matter even if you have a pair of longs on. Basically, all you have to do is to be in baggy clothes, baggy HOME clothes actually and we’ll just go weak in the knees.
Wearing your partner’s clothes
Now this isn't a scene from some kinky adult film. It takes a bit of elaboration here. Firstly, it is something like gearing down with an extra oomph. I don't know how it works for this one but if you are a disbelieving girl, feel free to ask any of your male mates and they'll tell ya. I got a hunch about this one though, it should be along the lines of you being comfortable enough to be in our clothes. Well, try it! Surprise your loved one by wearing his favorite jersey, I'm sure he will be extra sweet that night!
Tied up hair with wisps falling down. (or rather the tying up of hair, the raising of hands)
You got to add a touch of innocence to it as well. The tying up of hair shows a tinge of the school girl attitude, not the gothic freaky types but the ones who sit at the front of the class and pays attention. And the sexy parts comes in when the girl ties her hair. The flicking of the hair away from her back, then proceeding to tie it up, it's the ultimate turn on for any guy. I guess the showing of the neck, another erogenous zone helps too. But hey, whatever it is, I guarantee, this is one of the biggest turn on for guys.
Surprise! Scroll down to find out what actually turns men on!
Nothing turns us more on than the gentle smell of roses on a feminine body. Maybe it’s due to our natural lack of nice body odor. But one thing’s for sure, the smell of a woman, as long as it’s not foul or overwhelming, sends electricity way down to our umm.. toes. Be it shampoo, conditioner, body foam, perfume or just the natural smell of your divine body is enough to turn us on.
This might sound hilarious (no pun intended) but slight guffaws erupting from the bottom of your tummy can actually turn men on. Maybe it is due to the fact that it shows you are comfortable with yourself, confident in how others view you, but one thing I can tell you, it’s extremely attractive to have a girl laugh ever so slightly, with her hand over a mouth, and after, a shy smile greeting you with a little coquettish touch. Not a hooker giggle though, please do not get me wrong, what we like is a sincere laugh not a fake one from King’s Cross in Sydney.
Tucking of hair behind the ear
It’s quite cliché but it’s true. You can find this in the movies all the time. A cute docile girl sits at the corner of the cafeteria, legs crossed. A guy she fancies turns to look at her and all she does is tuck her hair behind her ear. The guy walks over. It works, even in reality. Maybe it is something to do with revealing one of your erogenous zones, or maybe it has something to do with looking vulnerable, whatever it is, it sure does push the right buttons for us.
Gearing down
Now if you think laughter was weird, this one should sound even weirder then. But since it’s here in this article, it must be true. Trust me on this one. Dressing up or down in your home clothes is a real turn on. We like nothing better than to see our girl in a big T-shirt, it doesn’t matter even if you have a pair of longs on. Basically, all you have to do is to be in baggy clothes, baggy HOME clothes actually and we’ll just go weak in the knees.
Wearing your partner’s clothes
Now this isn't a scene from some kinky adult film. It takes a bit of elaboration here. Firstly, it is something like gearing down with an extra oomph. I don't know how it works for this one but if you are a disbelieving girl, feel free to ask any of your male mates and they'll tell ya. I got a hunch about this one though, it should be along the lines of you being comfortable enough to be in our clothes. Well, try it! Surprise your loved one by wearing his favorite jersey, I'm sure he will be extra sweet that night!
Tied up hair with wisps falling down. (or rather the tying up of hair, the raising of hands)
You got to add a touch of innocence to it as well. The tying up of hair shows a tinge of the school girl attitude, not the gothic freaky types but the ones who sit at the front of the class and pays attention. And the sexy parts comes in when the girl ties her hair. The flicking of the hair away from her back, then proceeding to tie it up, it's the ultimate turn on for any guy. I guess the showing of the neck, another erogenous zone helps too. But hey, whatever it is, I guarantee, this is one of the biggest turn on for guys.
Prevent Signs of Cheating Spouses
Want to find out how to keep a relationship together to prevent cheating? Follow these rules to maintain a healthy transparent relationship and you will find yourself worrying less about looking out for signs of a cheating spouse.
1. Make sure that there is a mutual agreement on what it means to be together, to be monogamous. Would kissing count as flirting? Holding hands with the opposite sex? Going out alone with them? It is important to list out the things you two agree on what constitutes the basic 'rules' of the relationship, the do's and dont's. Every single misunderstanding if not dealt with properly will cause a rift between the two of you, and it is a breeding ground for affairs. So be clear from the
2. Let him or her know that you are intolerant of cheating. And let your partner know EARLY too. Once your partner knows right from the start that you hate cheating to the core, he or she will be less likely to do it. If dis-satisfaction about this no-cheating policy is shown from the start, then you should find someone else because he or she is not worth it at all. Unless well, you want to flirt too.
3. Don't give in to temptations! I know this sounds like it came off a bible but it's true. We always have temptations coming our way. Two options here, either avoid it or deal with it. Avoiding it means not putting yourself in a situation where temptations arise. Cut down on the clubbing and parties, stuff like that, Don't go out with the opposite sex alone. Sounds hard? Then deal with it. Anytime a temptation comes, think of your partner cheating on you and how you would feel if you you found out. Or imagine their reaction when they find out. Then think of AIDS, the heartbreak that follows and what you two have gone through to be together, the love between each other. Chances are, once you think of how not worthit it is to cheat, you won't do it.
4. Be more sensitive and pay particular attention to your partner's non verbals. If you partner says that they are unhappy, take it seriously and do something about it. And just because he or she stops complaining about it does not mean that the problem is gone. Don't give the excuse that some people are just less sensitive. If you are willing to make the effort, you will definitely be able to pick up signals better. Pay attention to the things that happen between the both of you and try and imagine how it will affect her. Just because you are able to take things easy does not mean everyone has the same level of tolerance as you.
5. Do frequent checks. Sounds boring but you need not make it so. It is basically about communication. Ask if everything is ok and whether you are able to do anything to make her feel happier. Ask her how she is, any major issues that crop up, things like that. Having frequent checks is just a start to having a more open, healthy communication path. And we all know how important communication is between couples.
6. Concentrate on the good things in your relationship. Look always at your partner's good side and try to be more patient and compromise with each other.Isolate problems and deal with them. Don't dust them under the carpet because they will always come back up again. Don't forget to compliment each other whenever possible. A good word goes a long way.Don't forget to acknowledge what is going good as well. The good times that you all have, the sweet things you all do for each other, feel free to acknowledge them as much as possible.
1. Make sure that there is a mutual agreement on what it means to be together, to be monogamous. Would kissing count as flirting? Holding hands with the opposite sex? Going out alone with them? It is important to list out the things you two agree on what constitutes the basic 'rules' of the relationship, the do's and dont's. Every single misunderstanding if not dealt with properly will cause a rift between the two of you, and it is a breeding ground for affairs. So be clear from the
2. Let him or her know that you are intolerant of cheating. And let your partner know EARLY too. Once your partner knows right from the start that you hate cheating to the core, he or she will be less likely to do it. If dis-satisfaction about this no-cheating policy is shown from the start, then you should find someone else because he or she is not worth it at all. Unless well, you want to flirt too.
3. Don't give in to temptations! I know this sounds like it came off a bible but it's true. We always have temptations coming our way. Two options here, either avoid it or deal with it. Avoiding it means not putting yourself in a situation where temptations arise. Cut down on the clubbing and parties, stuff like that, Don't go out with the opposite sex alone. Sounds hard? Then deal with it. Anytime a temptation comes, think of your partner cheating on you and how you would feel if you you found out. Or imagine their reaction when they find out. Then think of AIDS, the heartbreak that follows and what you two have gone through to be together, the love between each other. Chances are, once you think of how not worthit it is to cheat, you won't do it.
4. Be more sensitive and pay particular attention to your partner's non verbals. If you partner says that they are unhappy, take it seriously and do something about it. And just because he or she stops complaining about it does not mean that the problem is gone. Don't give the excuse that some people are just less sensitive. If you are willing to make the effort, you will definitely be able to pick up signals better. Pay attention to the things that happen between the both of you and try and imagine how it will affect her. Just because you are able to take things easy does not mean everyone has the same level of tolerance as you.
5. Do frequent checks. Sounds boring but you need not make it so. It is basically about communication. Ask if everything is ok and whether you are able to do anything to make her feel happier. Ask her how she is, any major issues that crop up, things like that. Having frequent checks is just a start to having a more open, healthy communication path. And we all know how important communication is between couples.
6. Concentrate on the good things in your relationship. Look always at your partner's good side and try to be more patient and compromise with each other.Isolate problems and deal with them. Don't dust them under the carpet because they will always come back up again. Don't forget to compliment each other whenever possible. A good word goes a long way.Don't forget to acknowledge what is going good as well. The good times that you all have, the sweet things you all do for each other, feel free to acknowledge them as much as possible.
How to Get Over a Break up
Effective love advice on how to get over a relationship break up. This is a must read for all who are lovelorn.
This is one of the most difficult parts of a love life to get over, it is how to get over a relationship break up. It is tough nursing a broken heart, and we all need a little help to get over this broken heart. The lesson here is that friends and family, basically company, is need always to get over a heart break. Read on to find out how to get over a relationship break up!
The first love, the someone whom you most probably would have decided there and then that you would probably spend the rest of your life with him or her. But sometimes it ends. And it is most painful when it ends abruptly. Arguments are perfectly normal, but when it gets to a certain breaking point, you know that it cannot continue, and you two end the relationship. Or when your partner cheats on you. That is probably the most painful and when you have to break up.
As impossible as it may seem, the rule of thumb to deal with this is to tell yourself that you want to get over him or her. If there is still a little bit inside you that wants it to still work out, then you will never get over your ex or the unreciprocative lover (one-sided crush). And nothing you do will ever work. It has got to start with inside yourself. Your mind is the most powerful after all. And you need to stay away from him or her during the initial period till you are comfortable with
meeting him again. Chances are, if you keep being in the company of him or her, you will NEVER get over it and you will be stuck. So please, be brave and take the first step and avoid the person. And while you are avoiding the person, below are some things that you can do to make it easier.
Well here are some concrete steps that you can take to get over a break up.
Talking to someone about the break up. You need to let it out! Bottling it up inside of you is never going to solve your problem. Always verbalize your problems to a listening ear. Any problem whatsoever.
Talk to someone in a similar situation helps too.
Get more ideas on how to get over a break up.
Get busy. Occupy yourself with meaningful things like picking up a hobby or learning something new or preoccupying yourself with books and work.
Watch funny movies, read funny comics, chill and laugh around with your friends. Laughter as always is the best medicine. It always makes you feel better no matter what.
Get rid of whatever items that remind you of your partner. Numbers, messages, letters, gifts. If you can't bear to throw them away, put them with your close friend or somewhere you can't easily get to.
This is mean but pretty effective. Start to concentrate on the negative aspects of your partner's character and tell yourself it is not worth it.
Another mean thing to do and it might cause someone else hurt. I do not think it is wise but the thing is you might meet someone better. Go dating, meeting new people, making new friends. Caution: You might fall in love again so be sure to keep your distance. Moving on to someone else to get over someone is effective but not the ideal way to go about doing things. But please don't give anyone the hear break.
Write down all the hurts and angst inside you on a piece of paper and throw it away. Make the getting over tangible. Helps heaps too.
Once again, talk to your friends, hang out with them! Friends are your pillars of support and as they say 'a friend in need is a friend indeed.' Let all your grief out.
Don't Bottle it Inside of You!
This is one of the most difficult parts of a love life to get over, it is how to get over a relationship break up. It is tough nursing a broken heart, and we all need a little help to get over this broken heart. The lesson here is that friends and family, basically company, is need always to get over a heart break. Read on to find out how to get over a relationship break up!
The first love, the someone whom you most probably would have decided there and then that you would probably spend the rest of your life with him or her. But sometimes it ends. And it is most painful when it ends abruptly. Arguments are perfectly normal, but when it gets to a certain breaking point, you know that it cannot continue, and you two end the relationship. Or when your partner cheats on you. That is probably the most painful and when you have to break up.
As impossible as it may seem, the rule of thumb to deal with this is to tell yourself that you want to get over him or her. If there is still a little bit inside you that wants it to still work out, then you will never get over your ex or the unreciprocative lover (one-sided crush). And nothing you do will ever work. It has got to start with inside yourself. Your mind is the most powerful after all. And you need to stay away from him or her during the initial period till you are comfortable with
meeting him again. Chances are, if you keep being in the company of him or her, you will NEVER get over it and you will be stuck. So please, be brave and take the first step and avoid the person. And while you are avoiding the person, below are some things that you can do to make it easier.
Well here are some concrete steps that you can take to get over a break up.
Talking to someone about the break up. You need to let it out! Bottling it up inside of you is never going to solve your problem. Always verbalize your problems to a listening ear. Any problem whatsoever.
Talk to someone in a similar situation helps too.
Get more ideas on how to get over a break up.
Get busy. Occupy yourself with meaningful things like picking up a hobby or learning something new or preoccupying yourself with books and work.
Watch funny movies, read funny comics, chill and laugh around with your friends. Laughter as always is the best medicine. It always makes you feel better no matter what.
Get rid of whatever items that remind you of your partner. Numbers, messages, letters, gifts. If you can't bear to throw them away, put them with your close friend or somewhere you can't easily get to.
This is mean but pretty effective. Start to concentrate on the negative aspects of your partner's character and tell yourself it is not worth it.
Another mean thing to do and it might cause someone else hurt. I do not think it is wise but the thing is you might meet someone better. Go dating, meeting new people, making new friends. Caution: You might fall in love again so be sure to keep your distance. Moving on to someone else to get over someone is effective but not the ideal way to go about doing things. But please don't give anyone the hear break.
Write down all the hurts and angst inside you on a piece of paper and throw it away. Make the getting over tangible. Helps heaps too.
Once again, talk to your friends, hang out with them! Friends are your pillars of support and as they say 'a friend in need is a friend indeed.' Let all your grief out.
Don't Bottle it Inside of You!
Love Relationship Advice - Love 101
Basic love relationship advice that everyone should know whether you are in love, out of love or in between love. Either way, you should be able to take something useful out of this.
Ever been in love before? Then you will need some teen love advice. This teen love article will help you with your love life and you will experience dramatic changes in falling in love! If you have someone whom you find yourself being able to do absolutely anything for, this teen love article will help you. Don't worry, you are not alone.
Love is an Action
One thing to keep in mind though. LOVE IS AN ACTION. yes that's true. The "thing" that you feel in your heart, or the "feeling that starts at the bottom of your stomach" that is just mere attraction. It has nothing to do with love. Love only starts when you begin to DO things for a person. This does not include words. It starts when you are deciding whether to wake up 5 in the morning to make barley and delivering it to his or her house when he or she is sick OR when you sacrifice going for a party or a movie just to watch him or her study for his or her test. It is all about sacrifices.
Love is a Promise
Another thing that people in love tend to forget. Being together does not mean that one must not be attracted to the other for his or her whole life. You will meet many people, some of whom you will have an immense attraction for. Who knows, things might work out between the two of you. But when you are together with someone else, you made a promise. And that is what differentiates two people having feelings for each other and actually loving the other.
Love means Sacrificing Sometimes
The third thing to keep in mind is that the truth is you are attracted to a HUMAN BEING. There are bound to be differences between the two of you. That includes different ways of handling problems. You need to keep this in mind when working out problems. It is always almost impossible for one end to come to a complete sacrifice. The two parties in the relationship must come together to a compromise. This involves each party to sacrifice a little but isn't this what love is all about?
Ever been in love before? Then you will need some teen love advice. This teen love article will help you with your love life and you will experience dramatic changes in falling in love! If you have someone whom you find yourself being able to do absolutely anything for, this teen love article will help you. Don't worry, you are not alone.
Love is an Action
One thing to keep in mind though. LOVE IS AN ACTION. yes that's true. The "thing" that you feel in your heart, or the "feeling that starts at the bottom of your stomach" that is just mere attraction. It has nothing to do with love. Love only starts when you begin to DO things for a person. This does not include words. It starts when you are deciding whether to wake up 5 in the morning to make barley and delivering it to his or her house when he or she is sick OR when you sacrifice going for a party or a movie just to watch him or her study for his or her test. It is all about sacrifices.
Love is a Promise
Another thing that people in love tend to forget. Being together does not mean that one must not be attracted to the other for his or her whole life. You will meet many people, some of whom you will have an immense attraction for. Who knows, things might work out between the two of you. But when you are together with someone else, you made a promise. And that is what differentiates two people having feelings for each other and actually loving the other.
Love means Sacrificing Sometimes
The third thing to keep in mind is that the truth is you are attracted to a HUMAN BEING. There are bound to be differences between the two of you. That includes different ways of handling problems. You need to keep this in mind when working out problems. It is always almost impossible for one end to come to a complete sacrifice. The two parties in the relationship must come together to a compromise. This involves each party to sacrifice a little but isn't this what love is all about?
A Woman's Poem
This funny love poem tells us of the difficulties of being a girlfriend of a wife! If you are a woman with a seemingly impossible boyfriend, you have got to read this! It's so funny!
He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake.
He said my biscuits were too hard...
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him...
He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake.
He said my biscuits were too hard...
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do.
I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.
Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him...
Truth About Friends

Are you tired of all those mushy "friendship" poems that always sound good but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a "friendship" poem that really speaks to true friendship and truth itself!
My Friend
When you are sad,
I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the evil bastard who made you sad.
When you are blue, ...
I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you.
When you smile, ...
I'll know you finally got laid.
When you are scared, ...
I will take the piss about it every chance I get.
When you are worried, ...
I will tell you horrible stories about how much
worse it could be and to quit whining.
When you are confused, ...
I will use little words to explain it to your dumb ass.
When you are sick, ...
Stay the hell away from me until you're well again.
I don't want whatever you have.
When you fall, ...
I will point and laugh at you.
This is my oath, ...I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask? Because you're my friend !
Goodbye Peace Letter
This is an inspirational Christian Story about a little boy who passed away of cancer and his letter to his mother. A truly remarkable story which brought tears to my eyes. The little boy is soo sweet!
Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the Surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be O.K.? When can I see him?" The Surgeon said, "I'm sorry, we did all we could." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer, doesn't GOD care anymore? GOD, where were you when my son needed you?" The Surgeon said, "One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes to let you spend time with your son's remains before it's transported to the university". Sally asked that the nurse stay with her while she said Good-bye to her son. Sally ran her fingers through his thick red curly hair. The nurse said, "Would you like a lock of his hair?" Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of his hair and put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. Sally said, "It was Jimmy's idea to give his body to the University for study. He said it might help somebody else," and that is what he wanted. I said, No at first, but Jimmy said, "Mom I won't be using it after I die, maybe it will help some other little boy to be able to spend one more day with his mother". Sally said, "My Jimmy had a heart of Gold, always thinking of someone else and always wanting to help others if he could".
Sally walked out of the Children's Hospital for the last time now after spending most of the last 6 months there. She sat the bag with Jimmy's things in it on the seat beside of her in the car. The drive home was hard and it was even harder to go into an empty house. She took the bag to Jimmy's room and started placing the model cars and things back in his room exactly where he always kept them. She laid down across his bed and cried herself to sleep holding his pillow.
Sally woke up about midnight and laying beside of her on the bed, was a letter folded up.
She opened the letter, it said...
I know your going to miss me, but don't think that I will ever forget you or stop loving you because I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU.
I'll think of you every day mom and I'll love you even more each day.
Some day we will see each other again.
If you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, he can have my room and my old stuff to play with.
If you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things as us boys do, so you will have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like.
Don't be sad when you think about me, this is really a great place.
Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything here.
The angels are so friendly, I love to watch them fly. Jesus doesn't look like any of the pictures I saw of Him, but I knew it was Him as soon as I saw Him. Jesus took me to see GOD! And guess what mom? I got to sit on GOD'S knee and talk to Him like I was somebody important. I told GOD that I wanted to write you a letter and tell you Good-bye and everything, but I knew that wasn't allowed.
God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter with. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel that is going to drop this letter off to you.
God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him about. Where was He when I needed him? God said, "The same place He was when Jesus was on the Cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way Mom, nobody else can see what is written on this paper but you. To everyone else, it looks like a blank piece of paper. I have to give God His pen back now, he has some more names to write in the Book Of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for Supper. I'm sure the food will be great. I almost forgot to let you know - Now I don't hurt anymore, the cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me suffer the pain either, so He sent The Angel of Mercy to get me.
The Angel said I was Special Delivery!
Signed with love from: God and Jesus and Me.
Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the Surgeon come out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little boy? Is he going to be O.K.? When can I see him?" The Surgeon said, "I'm sorry, we did all we could." Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer, doesn't GOD care anymore? GOD, where were you when my son needed you?" The Surgeon said, "One of the nurses will be out in a few minutes to let you spend time with your son's remains before it's transported to the university". Sally asked that the nurse stay with her while she said Good-bye to her son. Sally ran her fingers through his thick red curly hair. The nurse said, "Would you like a lock of his hair?" Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of his hair and put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. Sally said, "It was Jimmy's idea to give his body to the University for study. He said it might help somebody else," and that is what he wanted. I said, No at first, but Jimmy said, "Mom I won't be using it after I die, maybe it will help some other little boy to be able to spend one more day with his mother". Sally said, "My Jimmy had a heart of Gold, always thinking of someone else and always wanting to help others if he could".
Sally walked out of the Children's Hospital for the last time now after spending most of the last 6 months there. She sat the bag with Jimmy's things in it on the seat beside of her in the car. The drive home was hard and it was even harder to go into an empty house. She took the bag to Jimmy's room and started placing the model cars and things back in his room exactly where he always kept them. She laid down across his bed and cried herself to sleep holding his pillow.
Sally woke up about midnight and laying beside of her on the bed, was a letter folded up.
She opened the letter, it said...
I know your going to miss me, but don't think that I will ever forget you or stop loving you because I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU.
I'll think of you every day mom and I'll love you even more each day.
Some day we will see each other again.
If you want to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, he can have my room and my old stuff to play with.
If you decide to get a girl instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things as us boys do, so you will have to buy her dolls and stuff girls like.
Don't be sad when you think about me, this is really a great place.
Grandma and Grandpa met me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, but it will take a long time to see everything here.
The angels are so friendly, I love to watch them fly. Jesus doesn't look like any of the pictures I saw of Him, but I knew it was Him as soon as I saw Him. Jesus took me to see GOD! And guess what mom? I got to sit on GOD'S knee and talk to Him like I was somebody important. I told GOD that I wanted to write you a letter and tell you Good-bye and everything, but I knew that wasn't allowed.
God handed me some paper and His own personal pen to write you this letter with. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel that is going to drop this letter off to you.
God said for me to give you the answer to one of the questions you asked Him about. Where was He when I needed him? God said, "The same place He was when Jesus was on the Cross. He was right there, as He always is with all His children. Oh, by the way Mom, nobody else can see what is written on this paper but you. To everyone else, it looks like a blank piece of paper. I have to give God His pen back now, he has some more names to write in the Book Of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the table with Jesus for Supper. I'm sure the food will be great. I almost forgot to let you know - Now I don't hurt anymore, the cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see me suffer the pain either, so He sent The Angel of Mercy to get me.
The Angel said I was Special Delivery!
Signed with love from: God and Jesus and Me.
Please Don't Lie To Me Again
This touching sad short love story is amazing. Sometimes we lie to the ones we love because we are afraid to tell people of our feelings for them. How often has this happened to you? Well, read this touching sad short love story and perhaps you might find the courage to let people know of your feelings.
Tenchi looked at the face of a girl whom he had been with for a long time. She was his childhood friend. She was lying on the hospital bed, unconcious. As Tenchi looked at her, love and sadness can be seen in his eyes. Worried that something bad might happen to her. "Yuki, please wake up." the words that he kept repeating in his mind, over and over again.
"Hey cheer up now. What's the matter?" A young boy wearing a blue baseball cap told his friend, looking at her, who was crying. "I'm fine." A little girl gave the same boy a fake smile. "Ahh, something's wrong, I knew it. Yuki tell me." He insisted. But the little girl just gave him a smile, "nothing."
A girl waited under a waiting shed, it was raining too hard. Everything was dark. "Yuki!" The girl heard her name. Left, right, it was her friend, Tenchi. The boy hurried to see her, he ran to the waiting shed quickly, with his uniform, dripping wet. But as soon as he got there, acted as if she didn't even hear his voice, nor knew him for who he was. "We need to talk..." He said trying to catch some air. "I thought I told you to leave me alonE!" The girl shouted as she turned her back at him. "Yuki, I can't do that!" Tenchi answered. Yuki started walking away, she had her clothes wet by the time she set her feet out of the waiting shed.
"Hey, listen ok. Look I know that I made the wrong choice about telling you that you....but...please, cant we just...have what we had before? FRIENDSHIP!?" Tenchi continued. Yuki stopped walking, "Look!" she turned around and faced him, "All I ask is for you to leave me alone! I'm sick and tired of this game. It can't be. You can't love a girl like me." She yelled, tears came falling from her eyes. Tenchi made his way to his friend and threw his arms around her, "I just love you!...Why can't we be together?" He was crying. "LET GO!" Yuki pushed him, and Tenchi felt pain on his right cheek, she slapped him. "Can't you understand me? I don't like the way you treat me anymore, I'm not special. You just can't love me as someone else? I hate you!" Her voice was beginning to break up, she was crying real hard, but the rain could cover it. Yuki turned her back at Tenchi and ran away.
Tenchi wanted to go after her but all he could do was watch her as she goes farther and farther. As Yuki reached the sidewalk near her house, she felt pain on her left chest, her heart was aching. She couldn't breath. She placed her hand just at the place of her heart and tried to massage her chest, "It's ok, Nikk. You can do it...just a few steps and...Ughr" She took a deep breath and started walking again, slowly, but her knees felt weak, she can't move anymore and that caused her to fall on the ground. Her sister got out the house eventually and helped her to stand up.
Tenchi took a deep breath and made his way to the wash room to wash the vase. There was silence. Even his loud breathing could be heard...As Tenchi went out the room, he went to the table near Yuki's bed and took the boquet of roses. "Tenchi," He heard a soft voice calling him. Tenchi turned to his right and found Yuki, awake. "Tenchi, What are u doin here?." she said. Her voice was softer than before. Her friend smiled, "I...came here to...see you.." He replied. "Tenchi...I..." She felt so much pain on her chest again.
Tenchi looked at the face of a girl whom he had been with for a long time. She was his childhood friend. She was lying on the hospital bed, unconcious. As Tenchi looked at her, love and sadness can be seen in his eyes. Worried that something bad might happen to her. "Yuki, please wake up." the words that he kept repeating in his mind, over and over again.
"Hey cheer up now. What's the matter?" A young boy wearing a blue baseball cap told his friend, looking at her, who was crying. "I'm fine." A little girl gave the same boy a fake smile. "Ahh, something's wrong, I knew it. Yuki tell me." He insisted. But the little girl just gave him a smile, "nothing."
A girl waited under a waiting shed, it was raining too hard. Everything was dark. "Yuki!" The girl heard her name. Left, right, it was her friend, Tenchi. The boy hurried to see her, he ran to the waiting shed quickly, with his uniform, dripping wet. But as soon as he got there, acted as if she didn't even hear his voice, nor knew him for who he was. "We need to talk..." He said trying to catch some air. "I thought I told you to leave me alonE!" The girl shouted as she turned her back at him. "Yuki, I can't do that!" Tenchi answered. Yuki started walking away, she had her clothes wet by the time she set her feet out of the waiting shed.
"Hey, listen ok. Look I know that I made the wrong choice about telling you that you....but...please, cant we just...have what we had before? FRIENDSHIP!?" Tenchi continued. Yuki stopped walking, "Look!" she turned around and faced him, "All I ask is for you to leave me alone! I'm sick and tired of this game. It can't be. You can't love a girl like me." She yelled, tears came falling from her eyes. Tenchi made his way to his friend and threw his arms around her, "I just love you!...Why can't we be together?" He was crying. "LET GO!" Yuki pushed him, and Tenchi felt pain on his right cheek, she slapped him. "Can't you understand me? I don't like the way you treat me anymore, I'm not special. You just can't love me as someone else? I hate you!" Her voice was beginning to break up, she was crying real hard, but the rain could cover it. Yuki turned her back at Tenchi and ran away.
Tenchi wanted to go after her but all he could do was watch her as she goes farther and farther. As Yuki reached the sidewalk near her house, she felt pain on her left chest, her heart was aching. She couldn't breath. She placed her hand just at the place of her heart and tried to massage her chest, "It's ok, Nikk. You can do it...just a few steps and...Ughr" She took a deep breath and started walking again, slowly, but her knees felt weak, she can't move anymore and that caused her to fall on the ground. Her sister got out the house eventually and helped her to stand up.
Tenchi took a deep breath and made his way to the wash room to wash the vase. There was silence. Even his loud breathing could be heard...As Tenchi went out the room, he went to the table near Yuki's bed and took the boquet of roses. "Tenchi," He heard a soft voice calling him. Tenchi turned to his right and found Yuki, awake. "Tenchi, What are u doin here?." she said. Her voice was softer than before. Her friend smiled, "I...came here to...see you.." He replied. "Tenchi...I..." She felt so much pain on her chest again.
What it Feels Like to be Unloved
Another touching story, that things might not be what they seem. Surprises and the sweetest of them comes in small packages. And this story shows just that, don't underestimate the littlest of gestures for they might actually be the ones which you will remember for life.
I had three friends. Eric, Cathlyn, Carol. Eric was chased by all the girls in our high school. Cathlyn was one of those popular girls. Cheerleader, sexy, and stylish. Carol was just one of those plain and average girls . Cathlyn and Carol were both totally crazy and wacko over Eric. Cathlyn didn't have to do anything to attract Eric. For she was already attractive enough. Carol on the other hand, showered Eric which love and care. Carol wasn't ugly at all. In fact, she looked sweet and pleasant. But she wasn't a cheerleader, she didn't were spaghetti-straps or tubes. So like everyone expected, Eric chose Cathlyn. For Carol was just one ordinary and plain girl. While Cathlyn was labele d as the cool and attractive type. Eric always insulted Carol. Telling her what a 'Plain Jane' she was. And how dumb she looked. Which obviously made Carol feel so hurt and useless. That's life. Carol never gave up though.
She wanted to prove something to Eric. She wanted to prove that looks aren't everything. She studied hard, really hard. She became the top girl, and all the guys who once ignored her, chased her.
But she never forgot Eric. Everyday, she put a red rose in Eric's locker. Always with the same words.
'I care for you, and I always will' Because she knew that Eric was facing a hard time. Eric began to realise. How dumb he had been. His beloved girlfriend, Cathlyn. Was flirting with other guys. He regretted for choosing the wrong girl.
Cathlyn broke up with Eric later. For she had found a wealthier guy. Eric felt so cheated, stupid and dumb. He went to look for Carol. He knelt on his knees, and said. "Carol, please forgive me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Carol rejected him, much to everyone's surprise. She only uttered these words. "You've suffered a great loss, so I don't want you to face another one" Eric felt disappointed.
He didn't understand a word that she said to him. But they became good friends. Did everything together. Eric began to change into someone better. Because Carol showered him with the love he never experienced before. His ex-girlfriends had never treated him that way. They just accepted him for his looks. But Carol accepted him for himself . She changed him. Carol continued putting a red rose into his locker everyday. With the same words. She never forgot.
One day, Carol didn't turn up in school. She didn't come for a week. At first, Eric thought that she was on a vacation with her family. Because she told him that she would be going Hawaii with them. But one day. He received a call from the General Hospital. Saying that Carol was about to die. She had been suffering from cancer. But Carol forbade them from telling him. Because she didn't want Eric to worry about her. But now that she was about to die. She wanted to see Eric for the last time. Eric rushed to the hospital. When he saw how weak Carol was. Tears began rushing down his cheeks. He whispered. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you hide this from me?" She looked at him . And smiled weakly at him. "When I said that I didn't want you to suffer from facing another loss, I meant this. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I wanted to spend my last days with you cheerfully." Eric looked at her. "You can't leave me!" he said. "What will I be without you?"
"You'll be who you are now. I will always be there by your side. Never forget that. Cherish those times. Live life happily. And one more thing." "Yes?" "I love you" And she died. Eric screamed. He still couldn't accept Carol's death. He had only spent a month with Carol.
A month. But Carol changed his life in a way. A way that no one could ever explain. He regretted.
But he knew that Carol would always be keeping an eye on him from Heaven. Sometimes We just don't appreciate those people who really care for us. Until they leave us. Until we lose them. Then we regret.
Outer beauty doesn't matter; it's the inner one that counts. It's better to tell someone how much you love them. Rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them. You'll regret Love is. When we fight till the very last minute. Just to show and tell someone how much we love them.
I had three friends. Eric, Cathlyn, Carol. Eric was chased by all the girls in our high school. Cathlyn was one of those popular girls. Cheerleader, sexy, and stylish. Carol was just one of those plain and average girls . Cathlyn and Carol were both totally crazy and wacko over Eric. Cathlyn didn't have to do anything to attract Eric. For she was already attractive enough. Carol on the other hand, showered Eric which love and care. Carol wasn't ugly at all. In fact, she looked sweet and pleasant. But she wasn't a cheerleader, she didn't were spaghetti-straps or tubes. So like everyone expected, Eric chose Cathlyn. For Carol was just one ordinary and plain girl. While Cathlyn was labele d as the cool and attractive type. Eric always insulted Carol. Telling her what a 'Plain Jane' she was. And how dumb she looked. Which obviously made Carol feel so hurt and useless. That's life. Carol never gave up though.
She wanted to prove something to Eric. She wanted to prove that looks aren't everything. She studied hard, really hard. She became the top girl, and all the guys who once ignored her, chased her.
But she never forgot Eric. Everyday, she put a red rose in Eric's locker. Always with the same words.
'I care for you, and I always will' Because she knew that Eric was facing a hard time. Eric began to realise. How dumb he had been. His beloved girlfriend, Cathlyn. Was flirting with other guys. He regretted for choosing the wrong girl.
Cathlyn broke up with Eric later. For she had found a wealthier guy. Eric felt so cheated, stupid and dumb. He went to look for Carol. He knelt on his knees, and said. "Carol, please forgive me. Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Carol rejected him, much to everyone's surprise. She only uttered these words. "You've suffered a great loss, so I don't want you to face another one" Eric felt disappointed.
He didn't understand a word that she said to him. But they became good friends. Did everything together. Eric began to change into someone better. Because Carol showered him with the love he never experienced before. His ex-girlfriends had never treated him that way. They just accepted him for his looks. But Carol accepted him for himself . She changed him. Carol continued putting a red rose into his locker everyday. With the same words. She never forgot.
One day, Carol didn't turn up in school. She didn't come for a week. At first, Eric thought that she was on a vacation with her family. Because she told him that she would be going Hawaii with them. But one day. He received a call from the General Hospital. Saying that Carol was about to die. She had been suffering from cancer. But Carol forbade them from telling him. Because she didn't want Eric to worry about her. But now that she was about to die. She wanted to see Eric for the last time. Eric rushed to the hospital. When he saw how weak Carol was. Tears began rushing down his cheeks. He whispered. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you hide this from me?" She looked at him . And smiled weakly at him. "When I said that I didn't want you to suffer from facing another loss, I meant this. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I wanted to spend my last days with you cheerfully." Eric looked at her. "You can't leave me!" he said. "What will I be without you?"
"You'll be who you are now. I will always be there by your side. Never forget that. Cherish those times. Live life happily. And one more thing." "Yes?" "I love you" And she died. Eric screamed. He still couldn't accept Carol's death. He had only spent a month with Carol.
A month. But Carol changed his life in a way. A way that no one could ever explain. He regretted.
But he knew that Carol would always be keeping an eye on him from Heaven. Sometimes We just don't appreciate those people who really care for us. Until they leave us. Until we lose them. Then we regret.
Outer beauty doesn't matter; it's the inner one that counts. It's better to tell someone how much you love them. Rather than to not tell them and lose them without telling them. You'll regret Love is. When we fight till the very last minute. Just to show and tell someone how much we love them.
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