I personally did this script as a guide for our wedding Emcee. We were supposed to have male and female hosts to act as the masters of our ceremony, but Lembergh din't show up on the day of our one time rehearsal. We later learned hes been robbed on his way to our meeting place :'( :'( :'( , how sad. There you go , The script I composed with google's help . I hope this would help you.
LEMBERG : Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please.We are about to begin our Dinner Reception so please find a seat and make yourself comfortable.
-Introduction of the Host
KIMMIE : A very good evening to everyone and welcome to Dashi and Mark’s Dinner Reception. We are done with the solemn part of the celebration and we thank those people who were with us earlier at the Sacred Heart Parish for the wedding ceremony.To those who just join in, Welcome! And so, here we are on this lovely reception at CAP complex for the most exciting part - the Dinner Reception for our newlyweds in celebration of the beginning of their new life together.
LEMBERG: We are extremely delighted that all of you are here to celebrate this important milestone in Mark and Dashi's lives. We are your hosts for the evening, I am LEMBERG and this is KIMMIE. So sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.
KIMMIE: In behalf of Mark and Dashi and their parents, we would like to express their heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this memorable occasion. It is indeed a pleasure to have you all tonight.
-Acknowledgement of the Sponsors ( wacky entrance )
LEMBERG :First off, we would like to introduce family and friends who played significant parts in this afternoon's wedding rites.
KIMMIE: May we introduce you to the people who stood witness to the couple as they took their vows:Let's put our hands together and welcome the Principal Sponsors .
Mr. Ernesto Lepatan and Ms. Vergenia Lepatan
Dr. Licerio Cerna and Mrs. Lourdes Cerna
Mr. Eduardo delos Reyes and Dr. Penda Luz delos Reyes
Mr. Rolando Climaco and Mrs. Ma. Alma Climaco
Mr. Eddie Manzanades and Mrs. Lea Manzanades
Atty. Elmer Mansanadez and Mrs. Emily Mansanadez
Mr. Joemar Monatañez and Ms. Lourdes Lepatan
Mr. Floro Cereño and Mrs. Remegia Cereño
KIMMIE: So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, our most distinguished set of principal sponsors.
-Acknowledgement of the Parents ( wacky entrance )
LEMBERG: Now, the parents of the groom Mr. Israel Padica Sr. and Mrs. Josefina Padica
And of course Mr. Ernesto Manzanades and Mrs. Virgilia Manzanades, dashi's parents.
-Entrance of the Entourage
LEMBERG: Next is the pair that lit the paths of the Groom and the Bride: (Candle Sponsors)
Mr. Michael Manzanades
Mrs. Julietta Awi
LEMBERG: The pair that clothed the Groom and the Bride:as one:(Veil Sponsors)
Mr. Elvis Manzanades
Ms. Yolanda Lepatan
LEMBERG: The pair that bound the Groom and the Brid together as one: (Chord Sponsors)
Mr. Pablito Manzanades
Ms. Irene Lepatan
KIMMIE: The Stunning Matron of Honors ,
Mrs. Rosevil Alin
Mrs. Argentina Guisadio
KIMMIE: The handsome best man and the beautiful Maid of Honor who assisted the couple in their needs:
Mr. Voltaire Leyson
Ms. Juna Lapiña
LEMBERG: The Bridesmaids and Groomsmen
Groomsmen: Bridesmaids :
Mr. Israel Padica Jr. and Ms. Jo Ann Martinez
Mr. Randel Padica and Ms. Robee Grace Climaco
Mr. Andrew Rosales and Ms. Robee Jeanne Climaco
Mr. Allan Climaco and Ms. Glazelle Marie Manzanades
-Entrance of the Bride and Groom
KIMMIE: At this point I assume that everyone has settled down and we are all ready to welcome the newlyweds.
And now the big moment, Ladies and Gentleman....it is our distinct pleasure to introduce to you the Newly Wed Mr. and Mrs. Mark Martinez!
(Newlyweds enters the hall)
LEMBERG: Congratulations Mark and Dashi and best wishes to both of you. We wish you to be blessed with a long and happy life together with your dozens of children.
KIMMIE: Let us again give them a big round of applause.
-To keep momentum - Slicing of the Cake and Toasting of win
Kimmie: May we rquest the couple to proceed at the cake's table… `Gentlemen and gentlewomen! Could we have your attention please for the cutting of the cake and beer toasting. The cake, which has been a part of wedding celebrations since the Roman times, is a symbol of good luck and fertility. The sharing of this food symbolizes the couple's willingness to fulfill each other's needs, creating a bond so simple and yet so strong...
(cake cutting ... )
LEMBERG : Unlike many other couple, Mark and Dashi chose beer instead of wine. Although wine represents ... but in reality , Mark and Dashi usually share beer in many special occasions. Let me call on the best man Mr. Voltaire Leysonn to say a few words for the newlywed.He is the person who literally saw the romance between the groom and the bride blossom into a serious relationship.
Good evening...
tell something about the couple (brief)
Mark and Dashi,
You're decision to unite as one is fitting if there is love in your hearts ...
Water is the essence of life , but when water is combined with grains,hops and yeast, the outcome is glorious beer. SO TOO SHALL BE THE PRODUCT OF THEIR UNION.
It is an unselfish union between beer's basic ingredients that makes the finished product truly magical. It is an unsefish union of beer's ingredients that makes beer truly magnificient. SO TOO WILL BE YOUR MARRIAGE.
Love is the water of your beer.Trust is the grain that will give your marriage its character and strength. Passion like hops will add fragrance and spice to your life together. Your commitment to one another is the yeast that act as the catalyst to make this glorious as union -- this metaphysical wonder -- possible.
And now that the yeast has been added and the fermentation of your love has begun,there are vast changes ahead. Open your hearts wider than they have ever been opened before and rise up to meet these changes. Open your thoughts wider than they have ever been opened before and consume these changes. Let them fill your spirits and intoxicate your souls..Abandon all previous disappointments and past events that may have held you back and look forward toward your future with one fresh spirit, one fresh love , with one fresh beer.
LEMBERG : Thanks Voltaire... And now it's time for us to know who
among mark and dashi finish the beer the fastest ... Mark and dashi..
are u ready at the count of 3 ...ready 1, 2, 3 go...
Kimmie: Now , Please help me give a dynamite welcome to this lovely lady, Dashi's dear friend and maid of honor for the welcome address.
KIMMIE: Thank you Juna
LEMBERG:Well I guess the food is now ready and dinner will commence shortly
IV.PRAYER Before Meal
LEMBERG: May I call on Mr. Allan Climaco to lead the Prayer..
( Who Am I video ..allan will insert a short prayer during the
interlude of the song.. )
In the name of the Father ,the Son ,and of the Holy Spirit Amen...
Heavenly Father, Love has been your richest and greatest gift to this world. Love which matures into marriage. Today, we celebrate that love. Lord for the joy of this occasion, For Your presence here and now and at all times, we thank You. Protect, guide, and bless Mark and Dashi and everyone present here. Surround us with Your love now and always. Bless the food which we are about to partake through thy grace Amen... In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
V. Dinner
KIMMIE: Dinner is served. You are all hereby invited to partake dinner. You may now get your food at the buffet table. . Please enjoy your meal. And always, "ladies first"
LEMBERG : To entertain us all let me welcome the band …
Trivia Game
Song number by Mr. William Consejo and Ms. Jerilyn Adolfo
LEMBERG : Next is much exciting ...The First Dance... The First Dance is symbolic of the consummation of their wedding vows. This Dance is the wedding couples' first cooperative engagement and joint endeavor. As the saying goes, “It takes two to tango.” Ladies and gentlemen, it is once again my privilege to present to you Mr and Mrs Mark Martinez with their First Dance, (TIME OF MY LIFE)
KIMMIE : Thank you Mark and Dashi. Let us once again give them a big round of applause .
-Money dance follows ...
KIMMIE: To those who would like to dance with the newly wed... You may now come forward and take the chance to dance with them...
Male: It is said that our parents are our first teachers having raised us patiently from childhood to adulthood. They have been our source of comfort, support and inspiration.
KIMMIE: Yes that's right . Mark and Dashi are truly blessed with such wonderful parents and I’m quite sure when it comes to knowing what marriage is all about, they always have a word or two to share to their children.
LEMBERG: We would like to call on the Mother of the Groom, Mrs. Josefina Padica to say a few words of wisdom and best wishes to the newly wed.
Male: Thank you so much Madam for that inspiring message.
KIMMIE: And now we would like to call on the Mother of the Bride, Mrs. Virgilia Manzanades to give an inspirational talk to the newly wed.
KIMMIE : Thank you Madam let us again give them a big hand for such wonderful and meaningful speeches.
VIII. Mark's surprise number
Kimmie: explains (The Meaning of the Unity Sand Ceremony)- The flowing sand and blending of the colors in the Unity Sand Ceremony symbolize the bringing together of two lives into one. The two sands symbolize everything that the bride and groom have been or will become in the future.The blending of the sand represents the union not only of them but their friends and families as well. The separate sands once poured into the unity vase can never be put back into their separate vases. They are forever entwined just as the lives and loves of the bride and groom. Some couples prefer to leave a small amount of sand in their respective container to show that even though they now function as one, they remain individuals.
XI.THE COUPLE GAME ( GTKY the couple )
-Surprise number by Jeanne and Grace ,the supper twins.
KIMMIE: Now, our newlyweds would like to share some thoughts to all of you who are here today. We now turn you over to Groom and Bride.
KIMMIE/LEMBERG : Once again, we would like to thank everyone for coming here tonight and sharing this momentous occasion with the Groom and the Bride. We do hope that all of you had a great time. This is KIMMIE and LEMBERG signing off. Good evening everyone and Let's Party!!!
- El final - la fin - Ende - 끝 - 最後に -
lol ! way lingaw